NG-CHM Viewer Files
ngChmApp.html Standalone NG-CHM viewer
ShaidyMapGen.jar Java application for rendering NG-CHMs. Required if using NGCHM R package to generate standalone NG-CHMs.
ngchmWidget-min.js Javascript module required for embedding an NG-CHM into a webpage.
R Package for building your NG-CHM
In CRAN Link to NGCHM-R package
Documentation Online documentation for NGCHM-R package.
GitHub Repo R source for NGCHM-R package.
embedded-ngchm-template.html HTML template for embedding an NG-CHM into a webpage.
Create Single-Cell NG-CHM in R Support files for our our tutorial video: How to Create a Single-Cell NG-CHM in R.
Release Archive
Releases Archive of released NG-CHM Viewer versions.